A soldier's story from the Isonzo Front

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Walks of Peace Foundation
Gregorčičeva ulica 8, 5222 Kobarid

T: +386 5 3809 01 68


Presentation of events and the life of soldiers from the time of the First World War, followed by a homemade (traditional, local) dinner at Kolovrat or at the Tourist Farm Jelenov breg pod Matajurjem.

KBZ_lokacija_ikona.png   Kolovrat

KBZ_ura_ikona.png   3—4 h

KBZ_osebe_ikona.png   4—8 people

KBZ_razdalja_ikona.png   2 km

KBZ_tezavnost_ikona.png   ⚫◯◯

KBZ_jezik_ikona.png   slo • eng • ita



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