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It smells like mushrooms

Service provider

Bovec kitch\'n
Trg golobarskih žrtev, 5230 Bovec

T: 031 242 551


Mushroom picking-culinary experience with Bojan and Anja

First we will get to know each other over a homemade breakfast and then we will head into the local forests, learn the basics of mushroom picking and gather what nature has to offer.

We will learn how to clean, prepare and store mushrooms and cook something delicious together in the professional kitchen of Bovec Kitch'n.

KBZ_lokacija_ikona.png   Bovec

KBZ_ura_ikona.png   5—6 h

KBZ_osebe_ikona.png   2—6 people

KBZ_razdalja_ikona.png   5 km

KBZ_tezavnost_ikona.png   ⚫⚫◯

KBZ_jezik_ikona.png   slo • eng • ita



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