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In the embrace of the olive trees

Service provider

San Martin Farm
Zagora 6, 5210 Deskle

T: 051 335 660


On the left bank of the Soča River, in the small village of Zagora, the Valentinčič family has the first olive grove in the Soča Valley.

An olive oil tasting among the olive trees is a culinary experience that connects us with nature and takes us through the discovery of olive oil.

KBZ_lokacija_ikona.png   Zagora

KBZ_ura_ikona.png   3 h

KBZ_osebe_ikona.png   4—8 people

KBZ_razdalja_ikona.png   0,5 km

KBZ_tezavnost_ikona.png   ⚫◯◯

KBZ_jezik_ikona.png   slo • eng • ita



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