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Heartbeat of a mountain village

Service provider

Dolina Soče d.o.o.
Trg maršala Tita 7, 5220 Tolmin

T: 041 902 111


Embark on a hiking trail and explore the secrets of the beautiful Tolminka Valley and life in the Triglav National Park in a remote mountain village with the help of a local guide. At the beginning of the trail, set out on an unforgettable journey through the famous Tolmin Gorges. Venture into the heart of Slovenia's national park, where charming views of the surrounding Julian Alps peaks, the pastures of the Soča Valley, and the Tolminka River far below in the valley await you.

Enjoy relaxation in the beautiful nature.

In the idyllic mountain village, discover the richness of centuries-old cheesemaking traditions and connect with the local inhabitants. Historical glimpses at this location, interesting history, and wood that is over 6,500 years old, for example, are unique in Slovenia and will remain in your memory forever. To conclude, a special experience awaits you at one of the organic farms, where you will meet the locals, taste locally produced food, and learn more about sustainable farming.

KBZ_lokacija_ikona.png   Tolmin

KBZ_ura_ikona.png   8 h

KBZ_osebe_ikona.png   5—8 people

KBZ_razdalja_ikona.png   18 km

KBZ_tezavnost_ikona.png   ⚫⚫⚫

KBZ_jezik_ikona.png   slo • eng • hrv



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