Organic Tourist Farm Pri Plajerju
Trenta 16a, 5232 Soča
T: 05 3889 209
T: 041 600 590
T: 041 873 884
Number of units in the accomodation:
- 5 apartments
- sleeping on the hay
- wooden tents

There are five apartments on the homestaed, which are named after the ear markings of small ruminants (sheep and goats). That is how they used to indentify the sheep on the shared high mountain pastures. It is also possible to spend the night in the hayloft, set up especially for visitors.
To ensure our guests' well-being, mainly natural materials have been used to furnish the apartments. The furniture is made from solid wood: spruce, larch, ash and maple. The quilts are made from wool and cotton, and the pillows are filled with wool and various grain husks. The slippers are also woollen.
Most of all, we are proud of the food we offer. It is simple, but made with love and inspiration. The food from Stanka's kitchen is healthy and is always made freshly with homegrown organic ingredients.
All the wastewater on the farmstead is filtered through a constructed wetland wastewater treatment system.